Girls, rare, amateur
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What we find in this telegram rare, leaked, amateur group.
We entered the group and the content is of previews, some rare others not so much, leaked has some and leaked is well served, has an average of 63 videos and 5 photos, the group was born on May 13, 2024, the only intention of this group of porn previews is sales, there is no bot, but the contact is direct with the adm, the sale of the vip is in 10 reais, the vip group really exists, and contains the videos that presents in the previews, contains 1540 and the adm updates it.
Let\’s take a look at the group\’s scores!
Cover: 7
The group\’s cover gives the right impression, but for groups we recommend a stylized cover to make it look professional.
Content: 10
It contains a lot of videos on the subject, and is in line with the proposal.
Interaction: 5
Only reactions, in a sales group you have to listen to the feed of the people buying!
bot: 8
There\’s no bot, so why 8, because you talk directly to the adm, so there\’s less chance of losing your money.
The vip 9
The group\’s proposal is told, but as we said, there\’s a lack of feedback from those who actually buy!
So the group qualifies with 7,8, a good group !
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