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Super Blondes

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Super Blondes

The best porn groups of sluts and sex on Telegram, only with blonde women. If you\’re an actress/actor in videos shared here and you want us to remove your content, call @omestredosmagos (We don\’t have illegal content!)
It\’s worth joining the Putaria Super Blondes Group]
You want a blunt answer, no, because the administrator just puts some videos for you to enter and think it\’s really about that subject, but the intention is that, it\’s just to send you to a bot, but then you ask me \”but isn\’t that how most previews are?\”.

Yes, that\’s true, but this one puts up half a dozen videos with a fake theme, you join and in the end the sale is to a random group, we don\’t ask you to join the bot, because groups like this we classify as fake, but we don\’t choose for you, this is the same admin of the following group, Help Me in the Bath?

He creates flashy names just to fool you.

Super blondes Telegram group notes
Cover: 10

Good cover, despite being a bad group the cover is well done.

Content: 0

There\’s no interest in the subject, it\’s just a bridge to random groups.

Interaction: 0

The final score for the Super Blondes Telegram Group is: 3.33
A bad group, we don\’t recommend you waste your time!

Telegram Channel
No Zoophilia
No PV Invasion
No Pack Sales
No Links
No Penis Pictures

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